Origin of storyboard
Christopher Finch of Walt Disney has credited the animator with creating the idea of drawing scenes on separate sheets of paper by pinning them on a bulletin board in the same order called the first storyboard.
About Storyboarding
A storyboard is a graphic representation that visualizes the present information of the direction of the cells to form storytelling by explaining many processes, by showing the passage of time.

Usage of Storyboard
This storyboard has created some final products used to illustrate the story of changes based on a timeline for navigation.

Introduction to Tarot Reading
One of the historians called Tom Tad for little said tarot card began in Europe in 1375 and has learned from Islamic societies who had used from the centuries before the Europeans. In the beginning, the concept was not good but gradually when it is considered they created their deck which is used to predict the future.
Though tarot is a modern craft that was introduced in the year 1400 when pictorial cards were originally used.
This is not only for playing the games but also for a prediction or the fortune-teller that started in the year 1785.

About Tarot Reading:
This card is used when it can be gained through past, present, or future by getting some questions when it is drawn through interpretation of the cards.
How storyboard is different from tarot reading
In this storyboarding tarot is an advanced way of interpreting intuitively through advanced knowledge by presenting a visual narrative by mapping through the sequence of images and frames. These comic books and graphic novels are very essential in the form of storyboarding which is used by filmmakers as an outline or guidelines for making finished products like movies or television commercials.
This tarot narrates some tools through pictography through the story-telling device which is particularly effective for doing solo readings.
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