About UI & Graphic Design
The user interface is also called a (UI) design in which the process graphical user designer can build the interfaces in computerized software that focuses on style to create the interfaces.
Graphic designers create images through designer’s logos where visual tasks and techniques are created through pictures.
In 1922 William Addison Dwiggins coined the graphic designer.

About the types of UI & Graphic Design
User Interface – This is also called as called UI design, where the visual elements are used in the esthetical design where presentation occurs through software where entire products and presentation occurs.

Graphic Interfaces – This is a basic interface that involves in user to get the output.
Some of the Graphic designs are
Brand and Logo Design – This is very close to who works through brands that create some of the logos.

Package Design – These designs have a good number of products through packages.

Webs and Mobile Design – These designs are the websites and apps of UI.

About the technical process used in creating UI & Graphic Design
These designers create some elements like apps and other websites through the user interface which creates the interaction with visual content.
Understand – This design finds the solution to solve the problem which provides the solutions to the problem through the environment those organizers directly with clients from the business manager.
Researches – This user experience has done some research to explore the work through teams like UI trends with design principles and guidelines.
Sketches – This involves the features based on two stages of testing and evaluation that builds by sharing stakeholders.
Design – Some layouts are based on the interface which works on graphics that are used as wireframes for good-looking images with themes and styles that have been applied.
Implement – Some processes participate in the early stages through implementation when the designs are involved in the development phase.

About the software used for UI & Graphic Design
Software used for UI design
Adobe XD – Some solutions which are used for websites and apps are effective, in wireframing software which is collaborative through the interface design and workflow.
In Vision – This tool is used as a browser in Studio Avatar which focused on prototyping that exists in platform-based which includes vector drawing, and advanced animation.
Figma – This is an online design software platform that has over $2 billion, to the strength of robust design and prototyping tools for UI and UX design that appeals from the collaborative nature and design capabilities.
Software used in Graphic design
Photoshop – These crafts create beautiful designs in minutes through photoshop graphic design software that can be combined through multiple images to make the image beautiful and remove the unwanted objects from images.
GIMP – Some designers manipulate the feature of software that is highly used as a craft with crystal-clear publishing tools with extensive features that provides the designing experience.
Illustrator is the best graphic design software for beginners – Vectors can create sketches like art, and typography, icons are very complex for videos or mobile to create artwork by drawing pixels with perfect shapes.
Inkscape – This is a professional tool that graphic designers used in an SVG file format which is perfect for Windows, Linux, OS, and Mac.
CorelDraw – These graphics have productive functions by vector editing that guides and enables the position of the objects which works smoothly on large files in Corel Photo-Paint.
About the uses of UI & Graphic Design
Some processes use the designers use in building interfaces for the software which is computerized devices, which focus on looks or styles that will be designed with the aim which creating the interfaces and users that we find easy to use and most pleasurable.
These graphic designers communicate through visual communication used in typography, and color images which represent certain ideas and messages.
Samples of UI Design

Samples of Graphic Design

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Insight: About p66 –https://www.p66.me/
Headquarters in Newark, DE, United States of America. And has a production facility in Bangalore, Karnataka, India. P66 is one of the Best 2D & 3D Production mushroom-sized Creative agencies. Aiming to provide the Best Creative Services at a very affordable cost. P66 is a studio which is specialized in Traditional & Digital Types of Animation. It has provided contributions in the areas of 2D Animation, 3D Animation, Motion Graphics, Free-hand drawing, Drawing & Illustration, Digital Comic Books, Digital 2D Painting, Concept Artistry Drawing, 2D & 3D Game Designing, E-learning for kids
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