About e-Learning and what it is
These systems are based on learning through electronic resources is known as E-learning.
About the types of e-Learning
Text Driven e-Learning – This formatted text is used in a simple version where text-based e-learning is used in initiative materials through learning that involves reading from websites and other credible portals.
Interactive e-Learning – Some people engage in real-time through mechanisms where video and audio conferences can chat through instant messages where the applications can be shared.
Simulation e-Learning – These graphics develop a different type of learning where video materials demonstrate where complex ideas that follow through explanations where the devices are used as video formats that are used in offline projects.
Game-Based Learning – Some games play with a lot of fun where the platform can be converted into a learning source. Through games, concepts and ideas can be converted into knowledge spreading in an innovative manner. Skill-building games can be created by e-learning companies/organizations that encourage learners to learn things besides entertainment.
Social Learning – Some media has messages to promote the culture of learning through employees who share some problems and their experiences.
Pure e-Learning – Some e-learning material is accepted through portable media where the computer-based training tool provides web-based training platforms with the developmental course.

About the technical process used in creating e-learning
Establishing creating the project – Some high-level approach has stakeholders where Instructional designers have a global approach that creates visual elements through finalized elements.
Scripting – These modules are divided into the small screen where the module has activities, and resources are finalized in narrative script document works.
Development of Prototype – This audio script has created the elements that are used in the functional prototype were some activities colors, images, and animations, that provides.
Development of the course without audio – This audio is presented to the stakeholders, where some changes can narrate while working on animations, etc.
It is very expensive to create the audio and then recreates it with iterations, where some files that have not been created by the script are finalized.
Development Of The course with audio – Some stakeholders need approval when the audio is developed, through synchronization animations with on-screen text and audio quality.

About the software used for e-Learning
Open eLearning – This software depends on the bundle of capture tools where some images can be edited through interactive and engaging courses.
Adapt – Some Framework helps and creates any device that allows design courses with interactive elements, preview, and finally publish your content that can be created by using Adapt Learning.
eXeLearning – This is an authoring tool that assists in publishing training content on the web by having the knowledge of HTML and XML languages which are created through the IMS Content Package, formats with SCORM 1.2 simple webpages.
Debug Mode Wing – This software helps in creating presentations that capture screenshots, buttons, boxes, titles, etc., which generates some interface through drag-and-drop editing and creating high-quality documentation and presentations.
Xerte – This helps in interactive learning materials through HTML5 with large desktop computers and small screens which provides online tools which are used by non-technical users that create interactive presentations

About the uses of e-learning
Systems and Processes – Some process has visual guidelines that respond to queries, which learn to navigate systems from different customer queries.
Product/Service Knowledge – These skills challenge the product on the system through knowledge that it can create e-learning through the “drag and drop” option.
Legal, Compliance, and Standard Processes – These roles require some personal skills that compliance, legal scripts, and health safety procedures can create, pages through a text that includes in e-learning.
Improving the Soft Skills – These skills, observe some knowledge through session training which includes communication videos and other tools that give suggestions about the posture.
Technical Skills – Some technical knowledge develops the duties through advisors by offering some optional modules in these areas that can be highlighted through talent, which gains some ideas on promotion with a good opportunity.
About the samples of e-learning
Question pools – This creates Question pools when the learner helps to ensure the content which is very different to answer which makes it hard for learners to share the answers which will have been posed the same set of questions.

Games scenario – These learners reward with good decisions through e-learning with incentive skills by making the content in the learner’s mind when we can handle the real situation.
Quick on board – This can create the learning curve by providing quick, focused skills when some key tasks can easily refer through content.
Some practical tasks have been broken into clear and simple steps, with video demonstrations and checklists provided through a navigator that makes it easy for learners to complete each section of the page.
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