It’s a big task to make an anime movie, to exhibit your creativity there are many better ways. There are many categories of anime, they all have their own stories and art styles. Once you are up to movie features, you need to draw scenes, sounds to be added, and characters to be animated. Unite all the works into a perfectly consistent movie then you can share it with the world.

Part 1: How to design your movie
- Select a type for your movie: animation has a variety of flavors. Perhaps your movie should have action scenes with brilliant superheroes. You may have a slice of life comedy in the movie. The art that you choose decides on the movie’s graphic style.
- The purpose of the movie should be very clear and take enough time to think. Some designs are more befitted to ideas than others. From your characters, deep emotion is required for a drama anime, but clever dialogues and jokes need for a comedy anime.
- For your style of art descriptions and which popular anime will fit your style, search online if you aren’t familiar with your style.
- It is possible to combine art styles. A popular show Psycho-Pass combined psychology, police drama, and cyberpunk elements.
- Flexibility. Be flexible to adjust different art styles to your goals and fit them into your film.

2. Experience with your characters by picking a correct conflict. Find a difficult storyline for your characters. Write about the character that is saving your world from evil, or describe characters that can go smaller and get the better of life challenges. Select a design style that fits interestingly to your concept, and where you can set up problems for your characters and fit into them.
For example, Naruto an action anime ditches characters against dangerous contenders. To focus on interpersonal relationships you can take the example of Clannad anime.
3. To match your movie’s conflict and tone pick a graphical style. Each artist has its own graphical style, it is determined by the artist’s tools, the artist’s vision, and what tools they have, and it all depends on the artist. Backgrounds and character designs reflect and in anime a big part is style. The movie’s atmosphere changes depending upon how realistic the characters look and how bright the colors are.
- For example, in a comedy movie like Pop Team Epic the characters’ features are exaggerated and look surreal. The Ancient Magus Bride is a serious anime that benefit from detailed characters and elaborates more.
- A very soft and colorful movie Studio Ghibli movie is another example. In this movie, the character’s designs are not complicated and they welcome audiences of all ages.
- In horror movies for example they are often dark and stony. For the realistic characters of this type, you will choose to draw them with sharp lines. You may draw characters very cute with soft colors for a comedy or light romance.
- As the character design is important even background graphics are also most important. For futuristic and oppressive, a dark city with a lot of neon lights is drawn.
4. The main characters and development arc to be created. The story gets changed from the main characters in the central conflict through their involvement. Decide before and after events of the movie once you have their graphical design. Bring up new ideas go into detail as much as possible, know each character’s strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes, and solve their problems.
- Into the script outline your character’s personality by which you can feel more real.
- To make a great part of your movie, have an interesting story for a secondary character.
- If you think of an anime you can develop a simple idea of a character like Naruto, in that the main character was a bratty kid and then struggles a lot and becomes successful

5. Write the script of the story. Start writing a movie script scene by scene including character dialogue and actions and what you want your characters to take.
Once you are done with your script, start editing the errors and weak spots to make the script better. Until you are happy with your work keep on doing this multiple times.
6. Plan a character and sketch a basic design. No need to have a perfect design, but it should be in detail as you should be clear about who you are putting in your movie. If it doesn’t match your art style and movie’s concept avoid settling them for character design. Clip Studio Paint or Photoshop is used for computer art.

7. Character blueprints are basically model sheets. To finalize their designs different expressions are drawn. Draw your characters with a smile; look of concern, frown, and confusion from the sides, back, the front.
8. You can draw black and white sketches. To draw each scene of your script do a storyboard. In your script draw a separate panel, and write a caption below the panel describing the scene. It is an easy way to finalize the story and convert it to visual media.
9. Background locations and costumes have to be drawn. Keep a good idea of the detailed environments of your characters where they will visit. Backgrounds should affect your characters and their personalities.
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