Concept or process, teaching materials, animations, interpretation or visual explanation of a text, decoration, in published media, posters, flyers, magazines, books, films, etc. all these find illustrations. An illustrator creates illustrations. Illustrations are found either in picture form or in writing.
Types of Digital Illustration
For light, smooth lines, shadow, and complex backgrounds we use freehand digital illustrations. By Wacom and Adobe Photoshop digital illustrations are hand drawn typically. Adobe Illustrator is used to drawing vector illustrations. The different styles of illustrations are:
Japan invented the Anime style of artwork. Diverse art styles, exaggerated visual effects, and colorful images are used in anime art styles. The other name for anime comic books is “Manga”. Video games and manga are based on anime.

An illustrator creates a caricature, and he is often referred to as a caricature artist or cartoonist. Large, oversized heads are the features of caricature drawing. The subject of the features is exaggerated and normally simplified.

Cartoons and caricatures are two different things, but generally, people get confused between these two. Someone who draws cartoons is known as an illustrator. Simple drawings are known as Cartoons, and it is drawn in picture books and children’s comic books.

Picture Books
The important part of learning to read, vocabulary skills, and developing language, picture books help a lot for children. Children learn, and understand the words of the story with visual images in picture books. Some books have only pictures and with pictures, children’s books bring ideas to life.

Individual scenes of comic art are drawn in a comic book. Speech balloons are used for dialogue delivery and brief narrative designs are used for panels. Many comics show captions, so readers can read and understand what a character is saying or thinking.

Commercial Art
For advertising products, ideas, and services commercial art is used. Awareness and driving sales are the primary goals of commercial art. For magazines, packaging, billboards, and logos, for designing these artists use commercial art. To raise visibility and for selling products in mass production an illustrator designs the images in commercial art.

Concept Art
For video games, movies, and advertising the original characters artists creates in concept art. For inspiration for the development of broadcast media and promotional material, artists build worlds in concept art. Graphic design, marketing material, and preliminary artwork are created by concept art.
Demons, magic, portray gods, and dragons are created by Fantasy art. Posters, movies, and fantasy books are forms of Fantasy art.

In the fashion industry, for commercial use of drawing clothes and accessories, illustrators use Fashion illustration. Fashion designers mainly use it to visualize and preview their ideas.

Fine art
To express innersole primarily fine art is created rather than for practical purposes or commercial purposes. To convey an idea or an emotion fine art is used. Fine art may not have traditional beauty or may not have broad appeal, but it has creative expression.
Line art
It is used to draw two-dimensional or three-dimensional objects, and any image of straight or curved lines is placed in the background drawing. The drawings are drawn using without gradations. Usually, line art is monochromatic, and line art uses lines of different colors.

It is the most difficult style of illustration it takes weeks or months to complete. It is often painted on canvas by professional illustrators. It is mainly drawn of characters and detailed perspectives of realism. Furthermore, it is known as realistic artwork.
Importance of illustration in our life
Cultural gaps are bridged by the help of illustrations. In writing the books we have to create in different languages and multiple versions for readers, but when we are using illustrations we can convey messages only by drawing, anyone can understand the illustration language. Children can easily understand just by looking at the illustration. With an immediate vision of the characters, a child responds instantly to the visual appeal. From looking at the picture book characters we all understand the story of the book.
Drawing vs Illustration
The representations of an object or outline of a figure, and sketching using lines are the technique or art of Drawing. To decorate a text or to clarify the text we use a picture or an image that is called an illustration. The various forms of visual representations which include drawings are illustrations. A commercial value as a professional work is known as illustration whereas to show self-expression is known as drawing this is the main difference between drawing and illustration. Illustrations are always accompanied by text whereas drawings can stand alone as art.
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