Passion and Money both have their importance in our life; nothing is more and nothing is less. If you have only money and no passion in your life then you will become a machine, and you will burn yourself to a handful of ash if you don’t have money, and you have only passion in your life. You should have both money and passion.
Earning money and growth in career, choosing between these two still troubles the human minds of employees all over the world since ancient dilemma.

Many of us have a question which ponders at least once in our lives How important is money in our life?
Money builds empires and kingdoms are broken, for dreamers through money their dreams come true, and for others, it takes away, people feel happy and to others, it completes miserably.
- Money: straight away earning a lot of money, the biggest benefit is you can shop for anything you need (and more than that), you can buy a house, and you might consider all other things to pay at a given moment.
- Safety: Professionals, who earn instantly, feel much safer than those who are financially less successful. No worries about crashes in the market, the company’s management changes that happen suddenly, or any other matter issues which occur in the short term.
- Respect: benefit of this seems a little artificial, people who are well-off individuals are respected it is the fact that wealthy and young people are given respect particularly. Socially satisfied and makes you proud, which is never a bad thing.
- Save for a rainy day: once you made enough money, you can start completing your work no matter what happened with your job. Money makes your mind peace and accumulates guarantees.
Undeniably money is important in life. It’s a harsh truth that you can’t feed your family, and you can’t pay your bills on passion and love. However, some people who exist in this world who don’t have a concern about money and what they can get from money. They don’t find any pleasure in luxuries such as fine clothes, expensive watches, and a big house. They follow their passion and creating things is the only aim in their life, even when they have to live hand-to-mouth. And on the other side, some people chase money, and they don’t have any passion in their life. But still, both kinds of people end their lives with full lives and lead happy you will be surprised to know about this. There is not a single answer to this question of whether you should seek passion or money as there are different kinds of people in this world.

Many people end up their life miserably because they earn generous amounts of money and in the first place they didn’t want to do the work they were doing. Before deciding between passion and money, one should do self-analysis-5 years down the line will you be happy in a job you don’t like?
You might not be showered with money by pursuing your passion or an executive on top-of-the-line, but what you will get is satisfaction. The satisfaction of working is that, something that set fire to your inner soul, something which is close to your heart, and something at which you are good. In life, money is not the only important thing. Money follows other elements in our life, in a healthy life. If you focus your time and energy on other things which are more significant than money, then money will follow you. It will find a way in your life.
Why is it more essential to follow your passion than money?
“To increase your happiness, you should enjoy your work certainly; rather it will be reduced if your passions cannot pay for shelter, water, utilities, and food – if you are not able to manage your savings… if the showoff is out of your reach entirely.”
Money makes your dreams come true, money is very powerful, the kingdoms are broken and empires are built, and some people get completely dejected and to some people, it makes them happy. If you have the money you are happy, money is directly linked to happiness, money = happiness.
Many people have set their mindset that passion doesn’t best suit them. Sometimes some people are blinded by money when they choose their careers. People who are not happy with their careers will give their explanation that if they had a chance they would have done different things in their life. Just because of the money don’t waste time by working somewhere, where you hate to do the job, because you have only one life.

The most evacuated experience in life is you are being forced to do work where you are not happy. Many times at every job you may feel that you are depleting and exhausted, at that point of time you have to realize that not every day will be the same enjoyable one. Highs and lows will be there till you are alive, but you should be very passionate about the work that you are doing. You should be prepared with your creative ideas to come up in your life.
At certain times you may work above and beyond the call, at that point of time you should not drain yourself. If you are passionate about your work, it is much easier to put in your extra effort even though that is not a part of your everyday schedule, and you have to be ready to do certain jobs. You should have that passion that not is impossible for you; you can do anything in your life.
Remember, always do what makes you happy and stay true to yourself, don’t hate doing work that doesn’t have anything.
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