8 common angles of how to draw the head
- Profile – to draw a head from the profile; arrange two basic shapes roughly so that they can resemble the same as you’re looking for. Once you are clear with the approximation shapes relationships between them, then from that foundation you can start the rest of your drawing.
- Straight on – the most familiar angle is the straight-on angle. In real life, it is the angle through which we interact with most people and which we see. The basic shapes are braked down of a sphere and throughout the face relationships and the proper proportions are maintained with the help of the pyramid.
- Up – this angle is very difficult to visualize because from this point of vantage we see people very rarely. This angle intimidates the two simple shapes by breaking the head down. By together four-siding die and trying to glue a ball you can easily rotate the shapes of the head and when you turn them you can see how the shapes changed.
- Up three-quarters – from this vantage point many heroic shots are framed as this is a very common angle. In comic books, print advertisements, and paintings you’ll find them a lot. To master your time early, this angle is worth dedicating, and it depends upon what kind of story you are telling.
- Down – this angle is not common, but in certain storytelling sequences, it is very useful. Drawing the head from the down angle is, first you establish the correct position for the nose, and the head is correctly oriented. To build the rest of the drawing this will give you a great “stake in the ground.”

- Three-quarters – in portraiture, illustration, and film perhaps this is the most popular angle. In a person’s face, it shows the most dimension and the angles are often flattering in this angle. It is the first worth learning angle along with the up three-quarters (hero) angle.
- Down three-quarters – this vantage is less typically used, unlike the down angle, but still very easy to know. The down angles, and it’s an in-between of the profile. To fill in the rest of the face from this complicated angle, you have to accurately locate the nose from all the differences.
- Rear three-quarters – in this angle, the person’s image is not focused rather it is focused more on the compositional element. However, this angle depicts the head from “over-the-shoulder shots” and it’s also fantastical useful to be able to draw the head.
Step by step on how to draw a cartoon head
In this video, you can learn step by step how to draw a cartoon head
¾ view of how to draw a Human Head
Steps how to Draw a Head by looking Up and Down
Basic Proportion and Gesture for Head Drawing
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