Covid-19 or Coronavirus in China was first reported. In more than 200 countries around the world, the virus has spread. The coronavirus has been announced as a global pandemic by the WHO. This is a new type of virus spread across the world still no country has found any advanced medicine and advanced ventilators and PPE equipment. Every human being should think about how to have control over this not to spread further. As the Covid-19 pandemic has been tackled by the world, we have to ensure that operations and necessary health services are there to protect the life of the people.
While there is no way to tell exactly what the economic damage will be but the Covid-19 outbreak is forcing companies to adapt quickly and alter business operations. Because of this virus spread, economic growth there will be less, GDP growth is also less, travel space will not return to normality, and agricultural production will be affected. And naturally, the production cost will go up. And it may lead to an excess financial crisis.

The Coronavirus has had a significant impact on the global economy from stocks to jobs and emerging markets. There could be severe job losses across the world. The most severely impacted sectors could be aviation, hospitality, travel, manufacturing, real estate, and marketing.
Over a million students worldwide have affected their education due to the increase of Covid-19. Due to this pandemic, we have gone through boundless economic consequences and a disastrous effect on global education.
Those who are infected with the Covid-19 virus will undergo respiratory illness and without special treatment, they will recover. People who are having medical problems like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and chronic respiratory disease are developing serious illnesses.

To prevent this virus and transmission the best way is to have good knowledge, of how it is spread, and the cause of the disease. To protect others and yourself from infection wash your hands with an alcohol-based rub and do not touch your face frequently.
Through leaking from the nose or dewdrop of saliva, the covid-19 virus is spread, when a person sneezes or coughs and is infected by this virus. So a person has to practice by coughing or sneezing into a flexed elbow.
An effective and safe vaccine for covid-19 should be available to control the pandemic and a tool to contribute as an additional. To produce and evaluate the scale, efforts and challenges need to be rapidly developed at the same time. We have to examine vaccines as soon as possible as we cannot anticipate how many will revolve out to be workable.
During vaccine development to increase the chances of success, until we fail with the vaccines we must test all candidates. The WHO is working hard to develop vaccines.
WHO is stimulating partnerships and speeding up efforts to an extraordinary and major global research on vaccines.

An intestinal and respiratory illness in animals and humans and it is a family of viruses. They are usually caused by mild colds in people but in 2002-2003 in China, the emergence of SARS or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, and in 2012 in the Arabian Peninsula the severe disease caused by MERS or Middle East Respiratory syndrome.
The world since December 2019 battling with another virus, Coronavirus. (SARS-CoV-2) coronavirus 2 is a severe acute respiratory syndrome that the responsibility for the current disease coronavirus disease (COVID-19), it’s serious pneumonia that was first identified in Wuhan, China.
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