About Art:
Art is simply a creative design that can be expressed through feelings that can be any type such as drawing, or paintings, which can be shown the beauty and emotions which can be attached.
About Art fundamentals
The fundamentals are nothing but different mediums and styles that can be in form of an artist.
These can be considered to be building blocks of an artwork.
The Color theory which represents in two parts: Color Theory and Color mixing and application.
This Color theory refers to color which has a good number of principles that address different types.

The theory is much easier to break the color into its three individual elements, being hue, saturation, and value.
- Hue: It is a color where it is located on the color wheel. Some colors such as Red, blue, yellow; green are different types of hues.
- Saturation: It is a color that is highly saturated when it is weak and close to gray a low saturation color occurs.
- Value: It is a color in which the light or dark color can be separated from white to black. Some dark colors are considered light colors and light colors are considered low colors.
Color mixing and application
Some paintings can effectively be translated into our paintings through beautiful colors.
Color mixing creates in small color are valuable for your use of color.
- Composition
These elements are the building blocks of artwork line, shape, color, value, space, form, and texture.
- Value
They refer to light or dark colors which is one of three elements of a color that is considered as a separate fundamental area due to its importance to the structure and artwork.
Painting with accurate values can go a long way in giving your art quality of realism even if it is loose.

- Form and Structure
Using visual elements can convey three-dimensional objects on a flat surface which can be done through such as shading, contrast, or contour drawing.
This can be used in the forms of spheres, boxes, and cylinders
Some basic forms and structures which complete your subject will allow you to paint more to the portrait where the artists are dedicated to studying human anatomy.
- Brushwork
This will manipulate the paint on the canvas which is the key feature of your artwork.
The guideline which follows with brushwork is to match the nature of the subject.
Perspective – It is an art that refers to the depiction of a three-dimensional environment on a two-dimensional surface that captures the relative size, position, and appearance of objects.

Linear Perspective – It is used by artists to determine the relative size, position, and shape of the objects by using drawn or imagined lines that can converge at a point on the horizon. When one vanishing point is used, that is called a one-point perspective. When two vanishing points are used, then is called a two-point perspective.
- Aerial (or Atmospheric) Perspective
Aerial perspective is the effect of the atmosphere on the view of objects that came into the distance. When the objects come from a distance it is related to the contrast, value (darkness), and color saturation.
About creative and visual art
Some of the application which is creative skill and imagination that has been used in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, which produces the works or emotional power, who gives the knowledge of contemporary arts.
About Creative Art – Some of the activities that allow creativity that participating in a range of activities that allow expressions, such as music, art, creative movement, and drama. These are engaged in minds, bodies, and senses that provide different ways where young children learn and use skills in other domains.
Types of Creative Art
- Architecture
- Ceramics
- Conceptual art
- Drawing
- Painting
- Photography
- Sculpture

About visual art – It is created when nature has formed which can create works through primary visuals such as ceramics, drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, design, crafts, photography, video, filmmaking, and architecture.
Types of Visual Arts
Some visual arts include drawing, painting, sculpture, architecture, photography, film, and printmaking that have been created through a visual experience.
Visual arts are known as decorative arts or crafts that can be more functional in an artistic style that requires creating which includes ceramics, furniture making, textiles, interior design, jewelry making, metal crafting, and woodworking.
- Drawing
- Painting
- Sculpture
- Architecture
- Photography
- Film
- Printmaking
About Art Fundamentals used in Animation:
- Art Fundamentals is a perceptive Study
- Art Fundamentals is a Style Development
- Art Fundamentals Anatomy Studies
- Art Fundamentals are Paintings in value
How creative art is used in Animation
In creative arts Animation is used to create a wider sense of imagination in the artist so that they can create new ideas of artwork that will affect real life.
A character designer which creates the style and artwork of a character from scratch includes its personality to develop a visual idea.
Some character designs express the briefing of the character that could be mutual understanding for those who live a simple workaday lifestyle.
They are physical or emotional, and the character designer uses those notes to start thumb-nailing ideas Rough thumbnails help to flesh out the many directions that the designer could take.
Once the artist chooses the thumbnail to paint the characters they will give all the details which bring them into life which include different clothes, hairstyles, facial styles, etc.
Some Creative ideas that can be changed through character design are different and could not be matched from can be matched with the character descriptions.
Some artists who have created their webcomics had designed their characters for illustrators with their books, their animators, or game designers.
This is a task that you can practice and quickly develop if you keep pushing yourself by challenging the new character ideas.
There is a tremendous demand for great character artists in every face of entertainment. Movies, TV shows, video games, and every piece of entertainment need great characters.

Working with visual arts is used in Animation
Using Animation, illustration, drawing, and design skills will create visuals that convey ideas about Visual development artists who are typically worked in 2D or 3D they use programs such as Photoshop and Maya.
The work that is done by a visual development artist is closely related to a concept artist, that applies to animated movies and TV shows. Some artists create every piece of a palate for an animated movie that includes some characters that demand what is designed as an imaginary world.
The artist who creates Visual development has a whole world with a character line that set the tone for various scenes, settings, landscapes, buildings, and almost everything else. When the movie gets fixed in motion some of the artists who work start to build a visual world that best aligns with the intended vision of the production. The Ideas that come from producers and writers had been given to the creative director, as well as an art director. Many artists who had worked on 2D and 3D programs depend on production. Even if a movie is being animated in 3D the art director might prefer the work to be in 2D.
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Headquarters in Newark, DE, United States of America. And has a production facility in Bangalore, Karnataka, India. P66 is one of the Best 2D & 3D Production mushroom-sized Creative Agencies. Aiming to provide the Best Creative Services at a very affordable cost. P66 is a studio which is specialized in Traditional & Digital Types of Animation. It has provided contributions in the areas of 2D Animation, 3D Animation, Motion Graphics, Free-hand drawing, Drawing & Illustration, Digital Comic Books, Digital 2D Painting, Concept Artistry Drawing, 2D & 3D Game Designing, and E-learning for kids To provide a FREE Consultation about the services of P66 do reach us on +1 (914) 247-7791 or Email us at: Reply@p66.me